Friday, May 17, 2013

Doing the Best I Can

Life keeps moving fast and I am having a hard time keeping up. The challenge of this addiction is difficult and I wonder each minute if I am up for that challenge. I truly do not know the answer to that right now. I see my hopes and dreams damaged and ruined, never to come back.

I went to ARP this week where we read and talked about the Introduction in the manual. If you have not read and studied the Introduction, I highly recommend it. There is one sentence that really hit me. It says, "No matter how lost and hopeless you may feel, you are the child of a loving Heavenly Father". I am really struggling to believe this, but I am willing to keep moving forward and to try to understand what it means to me.

I am struggling. With every single aspect of my life. I do not believe in creating an image of perfection or that everything is going well when it is not. I am real. I am human. I am imperfect. I am trying hard. I talked to one of my therapists on the phone today. She asked me to say one positive thing about myself about something from this day. Here is what I said to her, "I am doing the best that I can today with how I am feeling". Doing the best I can at this moment has to be enough because it is all I can do right now.


  1. Great job just being honest. It is so hard to do. Even though we create these blogs to be honest and vulnerable, it is still hard, and sometimes I just want to put on a fake face and smile at everyone. This took a lot of courage to say.
    I listented to the General Conference talk by Elder Uchtdorf today and he said something in it that I think relates to this. I took it to heart too because I feel this same way a lot of the time. And it is ok to struggle, and to admit that you struggle, and to just be honest about where you are at.
    Love you and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers all the time. I'm just a text/phone call away. :)

    "Isn’t it wonderful to know that we don’t have to be perfect to experience the blessings and gifts of our Heavenly Father? We don’t have to wait to cross the finish line to receive God’s blessings. In fact, the heavens begin to part and the blessings of heaven begin to distill upon us with the very first steps we take toward the light.

    The perfect place to begin is exactly where you are right now. It doesn’t matter how unqualified you may think you are or how far behind others you may feel. The very moment you begin to seek your Heavenly Father, in that moment, the hope of His light will begin to awaken, enliven, and ennoble your soul.5 The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come."

  2. Thanks Annette. I am so glad we don't have to be perfect and that we can just start right where we are now. I love that talk! And I am so glad we have connected - it's nice to have recovery friends we can count on.
